Home or Property SEARCH by MAP for Calgary & area Real Estate Listings on the MLS® System
Average | Min | Max | |
List Price: | $ 1147466 | $ 22 | $ 2699988 |
Days On Market: | 50 days | 1 days | 242 days |
Sq. Ft.: | 2015 sq ft. | 795 sq ft. | 3684 sq ft. |
Price / Sq. Ft.: | $598 /sq ft. | $297 /sq ft. | $1257 /sq ft. |
Beds: | 3.7 beds | 0 beds | 7 beds |
Baths: | 3.5 baths | 0 baths | 6 baths |
Home Age: | 29.5 years | 0 years | 114 years |
Established in 1907, the neighbourhood did not experience substantial development until 1945 when "Victory Homes" were built for soldiers returning from WWII. Residents have easy access to the riverside recreational pathways and downtown Calgary. The community association provides residents with an indoor arena, fitness centre and outdoor swimming pool. The area is well known for its abundance of trendy coffee shops. Scarboro, Sunalta, Shaganappi and Bank view are all close communities.
Please click NW Calgary MAP Search to SELECT homes and condos for sale in other communities in our MLS® System in Zone A, or Inner City Calgary
West Hillhurst Apartment Condos, Homes, Townhouses for Sale on CalgaryRealEstateLink.com
Whether Searching for Real Estate in NW Calgary, SW Calgary, SE Calgary, NE Calgary, or Surrounding areas like Airdrie, High River, Okotoks, Cochrane, Chestermere, or in Rural Alberta, Selling Calgary Group features all available Condos, Residential Homes, Acreage Properties, and Commercial Listings on our MLS® System.